The Burmese Ferret-Badger, of Burma

Little, Really, is Known

Archive for the ‘Manticores’ Category


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The fabled manticore, an unholy creature of myth and legend, is thought to be one of the mightiest of all beasts and to be capable of devouring every animal in the jungle except for elephants, and, perhaps, the epauletted fruit bat.

It must be noted: in any depiction of the manticore, there are few, if any, epauletted fruit bats being consumed, or even perturbed, while all manner of other individuals are falling prey to the fearsome hybrid.

It was claimed that the manticore lured people in by lying in tall grass or reeds. This would hide its magnificent body and show only the head of what appeared to be a bearded man {?}. In this precise way, it is shockingly similar to the antlion.

Written by ml22

November 17, 2019 at 8:31 am